”水着は1年に1回しか着ない” という方と ”水着を毎日のように着ている” という方とでは求める水着が異なるかと思います。

eit swimのスイムウエアはサーファー2人が作っています。わたしたちは後者の毎日のように水着を着ている派なのですが、どちらの人々の気持ちにも寄り添える水着づくりを心がけています。



実はとても専門性の高い水着づくり。見た目の可愛さだけでなく機能性と細部の丁寧さが重要。着ていただければその違いがわかると思います。サーファーであり水着のプロフェッショナルがつくるeit swimのスイムウエアを、一度ぜひお試しください。

The swimsuit needs of those who wear swimsuits only once a year may differ from those who wear swimsuits every day.

We are surfers who wear swimsuits every day, but we try to create swimsuits that cater to the feelings of both people.

We strive to create swimsuits that fit, balance, and are fashionable enough for those who are not used to wearing swimwear.
Quality, comfort, and cut that will satisfy those who are used to wearing swimsuits.
We make millimeter-by-millimeter adjustments to complete the swimsuit, taking into consideration the elasticity and weight of the fabric when it gets wet.

However, not all people have the same body shape, We are constantly updating our products as we learn about different types of bodies.

To create swimsuits is very specialized. You will see the difference when you try one on.
Try eit swim’s swimwear made by professionals.

Previous PostJOURNAL>>エコ水着&リサイクル素材/Our Recycled Materials
Next PostJOURNAL>>工芸とアートの間で。/Arts and Crafts.

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