2018年に東京で2人のサーファーによって創立されたイトスイム。イト(糸)には “つなぐ” の意味が込められている。現在は東京とカリフォルニアの2拠点で展開。
eit swim(pronounced " i: tō ") was founded in 2018 in Tokyo by two surfers. Ito (thread) means "to connect" in Japanese. Currently based in Tokyo and California.


We are a brand that brings the beach and the city together seamlessly. We offer functionality for comfortably enjoying surfing and other full-fledged marine sports in the ocean, as well as innovative designs that can be worn as clothing in the city. We also encourage the coordination of swimwear with the most eco-friendly fashions: vintage items.


日本の伝統工芸に注目し、職人とコラボしたスイムウエアを展開。包み紙にも和紙を取り入れている。そこには⽇本が誇る伝統を⽇常に取り戻すことの素晴らしさ、⼿仕事による資本主義や⼤量⽣産へのアンチテーゼ、⾃然との寄り添いといったメッセージが。デザインから縫製まで、すべての工程を日本で行うMADE IN JAPANブランド。
We incorporate traditional Japanese craftsmanship into our swimwear as design. The message is the splendor of bringing tradition back to everyday life, the antithesis of capitalism and mass production through handcraft, and cohabitation with nature. All processes from design to sewing are done in Japan.


We use recycled nylon from fishing nets, recycled circulating polyester from discarded clothing, and natural materials. We also chooses environmentally friendly factory that use renewable energy, recycled water, reduced emissions, and recycled waste in the fabric production process. Packaging is kept to a minimum and the use of recycled paper is encouraged. We aim for slow fashion with ageless and trend-neutral designs.